Update to version 1.2!

Ladies and gentlemen, gather round! It's time for an update so epic, you'll be doing cartwheels in your living room! That's right, we've taken your feedback and smooshed it together with our wildest dreams to bring you v1.2 of the game!

But wait, there's more! Not only have we added in those missing mechanics regarding the Value system (you know you've been missing them), but we've also optimized the gamebook and given the quick play a little makeover.

A special shoutout to Raj for the valuable feedback. You, sir, are a true champion. Thank you for helping us make this update possible. Now go forth and enjoy the update, my friends! It's going to be a wild ride!


Character Sheet_v.1.2.pdf 68 kB
Jan 20, 2023
Everline_ Core Rule (version 1.2).pdf 788 kB
Jan 20, 2023
Everline_Demo_v1.2.pdf 5 MB
Jan 20, 2023
Everline_Zagsonia_Academy_v1.2.pdf 7 MB
Jan 20, 2023

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Minor note: when I downloaded the v1.0 demo, I appreciated that all the files started with `Everline_` -- now the character sheet is just `Character Sheet_v1.2.pdf` sitting next to the other 8-or-so "Character Sheet (4).pdf" files in my not-sorted-enough Downloads folder.

Also, there's an extra space between the underscore and "Core Rule" :)

Thanks, edbrannin!
I didn't notice the space. And thanks for pointing out the character sheet. I've updated the files and renamed them appropriately.

It should help now if you're redownloading it or the next person downloading it to organize the files better. :D

Appreciate it. Let me know if there's anything else you've spotted. I admit I always missed small details like this pretty often. 

No problem!  Though now I see the Core Rule file has disappeared from the Demo section, and the demo says it requires the Core Rules at the top of page 3.